Deep blue shark girth
Deep blue shark girth

deep blue shark girth

“Every story needs a villain and after films like Jaws it’s just too easy to manipulate the human psyche and ingrain a deeper, more absurd terror.

deep blue shark girth

They think monster, and what to kill her, that’s down to movies,” she told America’s Today programme. “It’s so sad that when people see images of me with huge great white sharks. One of her biggest fights is debunking the myths that have been burned deep into people’s brains thanks to the likes of Steven Spielberg’s classic Hollywood franchise, Jaws. And in 2019 she starred with Zack Efron in ‘Saving Jaws’, a documentary that tries to combat the negative media coverage associated with the animals. And with more than one million followers on Instagram, Ocean has become a one-woman PR machine for the prize predators. She’s the author of ‘What You Should Know About Sharks’, a best-selling book about their social behaviour and interaction with humans.


The trained free diver - who can hold her breath underwater for six-and-a-half-minutes and reach depths of 175 ft - believes that sharks are the most misunderstood creatures on the planet. ‘The Shark Whisperer’ was born and ever since Ocean has used her platform to try to change people’s perception of sharks and protect them from becoming extinct. Well, they first met in 2012, deep beneath the crystal clear waters off the coast of Baja in Mexico, and the resulting images of Ocean riding on the huge creature’s fin went viral. So why is Bella so special for the woman they call ‘The Shark Whisperer’? To date she has dived with almost 50 different species of shark around the world, has been doing it since he was 14 and actually spends more time with them than she does with us humans. The Hawaiian knows a thing or two about sharks. “Bella is intelligent, resilient, strong and efficient, graceful and beautiful, influential, evolved, and important,” is what the marine biologist and environmentalist has to say. Unlike most people in life, Ocean (yes, that is her real name) has chosen a great white shark called Bella. Like most people in life, Ocean Ramsey has a role model she looks up to and takes inspiration from.

Deep blue shark girth